From time to time, buyers and sellers will disagree. Typically, these disputes are settled easily and informally. When the dispute escalates and emotions take over, thoughts turn to litigation. The Home Seller/Home Buyer Mediation program gives sellers and buyers a method to resolve disputes without litigation.
The focus of mediation is on resolving the conflict by looking at the parties’ true interests. The mediator helps diffuse the emotions so that real communication can take place. A settlement can only occur with both parties’ agreement. The mediator’s goal is to help the parties resolve the dispute themselves.
The Home Sellers/Home Buyers Request for Mediation form is necessary to initiate the mediation process. Please make sure that all parties and their contact information (addresses, phone numbers, and emails) are included. Please be sure to attach the Agreement of Sale and other addendums to the contract, as well as a narrative of events.
In addition to submitting the completed Request for Mediation form and other documentation, there is a mediation fee of $500.00 that is divided among the parties ($250.00 per party). In order to initiate the request for mediation, a check for $250.00 must accompany the Request for Mediation form.
Should you have any questions about Home Sellers/Home Buyers Mediation, please contact the Director of Professional Development at
Interested in Home Sellers/Home Buyers Mediation? The following information and forms will assist you through the process: