The Professional Standards Department of the Greater Lehigh Valley REALTORS® (GLVR) provides its REALTOR® members and consumers with various programs to help resolve issues relating to potential ethical violations and procuring cause/monetary disputes. These disputes are addressed through due process hearings, mediation, and Ombudsman services. GLVR addresses complaints and disputes through the Grievance Committee and the Professional Standards Committee.
Grievance Committee
Members of the Grievance Committee gather once a month to review ethics complaints and requests for arbitration. The Grievance Committee will review each case and make a determination as to whether or not it is forwarded to a due process hearing through GLVR.
Professional Standards Committee
Members of the Professional Standards Committee serve as hearing panelists for ethics complaints and arbitration requests that have been forwarded by the Grievance Committee.
Members of both the Grievance and Professional Standards committees are required to attend annual Professional Standards training. They must apply annually for committee positions and are appointed by GLVR’s Board of Directors.
For Association members looking for Arbitration information, please visit the Member Portal.