When you join the REALTOR® family, you make a vow to serve your clients with the utmost professionalism and respect. This vow doesn’t just apply to interactions with clients in person, but on social media platforms as well.
You may not be directly interacting with clients on social media, but social media allows people to just stumble across your page and information. Perhaps a potential client is taking a look at your REALTOR® Facebook page, or someone on Instagram just happened to find you in a real estate-related hashtag search. With social media, first impressions are everything – especially in an age where more and more people are finding their REALTORS® online rather than going to an office or seeking mutual connections.
With that being said, it’s important to consider the dos and don’ts of social media before creating a post, messaging someone, commenting on someone else’s photo, and so on and so forth. Check out our handy guide in the winter edition of the eMagazine. Print it out. Consult it when in doubt and when your finger is hovering over that “enter” key.